Infiniti Headlight Rebuild Service
Utilizing your existing headlights, we offer a variety of options for infiniti. From complex rebuilds with new lenses and internals to basic lens replacement retaining original internal components. Our headlight rebuild services include the following:
- Level one rebuild (original specs)
- New plastic lens replacement
- New Butyl adhesive sealent
- Projector and inner housing cleaning
-Level two rebuild (custom specifications)
- New plastic lens replacement
- New butyl adhesive sealent
- Projector and Inner housing cleaning
- Halo ring install (RGB,Switchback or LED)
- Daytime running light Install
- Headlight housing repsray (Black or Paint match to vehicle)
-Shipping adress for where to mail your headlights will be included in comfirmation email
-For additional options please email us with exact specifications for your ideal headlight design at:
Headlight Service Options